Manslaughter & Murder

Manslaughter & Murder Solicitors Leeds

Murder and Manslaughter Defence Solicitors


Allegations of murder or manslaughter are very serious and can carry long prison sentences, including a life sentence in prison. For these reasons, it is vital you seek legal representation as early as possible to ensure you are advised and guided in relation to your legal position from the outset.


The criminal defence team at Whiterose Blackmans Solicitors LLP has the experience to provide the type of representation that you require to defend such serious cases. If you have been accused of committing manslaughter or murder, please contact our solicitors today so we can get started on building your defence.


What is the difference between murder and manslaughter?

The law surrounding murder and manslaughter is very complex, making it vitally important that the solicitor you choose to represent you has a firm understanding of the differences and the legislation surrounding these crimes. In simple terms, murder is the unlawful killing of another person by someone of sound mind and discretion, while manslaughter is categorised by two types:

Voluntary manslaughter – this is the unlawful killing of another person by a reasonable person with no previous intent to kill.


Involuntary manslaughter – this refers to an unintentional killing, usually as a result of a negligent or reckless act.


Murder and manslaughter can result from many situations, including domestic violence, gang-related crime, assaults, cruelty and criminal negligence.

Why choose us?


Our criminal defence team in Leeds has a wealth of experience in defending people who have been accused of committing serious crimes such as manslaughter and murder. Being accused of such serious offences can turn your life upside down, affecting your job, your personal life and your reputation. We will work with you to ensure you have the best possible defence and support throughout proceedings, including investigation and prosecution.

We handle all murder and manslaughter cases confidentially and sensitively, with an understanding that legal representation may be needed at any time during this difficult period. For this reason, our team is contactable 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Should you have a query or require the most current update on your case, you can therefore always get in touch with us.



We are here to listen and to help. For free initial legal advice call 0113 2165507 or 0330 9122228